Based in Castlebridge in Co. Wexford, TK IT Services can provide you with all your IT requirements at a competitive price. Our team has over twenty years of computer experience behind them so you can rest assured that you are in safe hands.

No business is too small or too big. No distance or surrounding counties is too far.

Information Technology need no longer be a reaction to problems but a constant proactive part of your business.

As we cater for all sized businesses we find that our customers are varied, from accountants, auctioneers, food processing plants and warehouses to schools and the general public.

Computers are in all walks of life now and regardless whether you have one computer or a large network you need to have a reliable IT team to back you up.


Our Values


We make it our responsibility to know you and your business. We work closely with you to ensure that the solutions we provide are tailored to meet your unique needs and challenges. We are committed to your success.

Customer Relations:

At TK IT Services, our highest priority is satisfied customers. You are important to us and you can expect us to go the extra mile for your business. Superior customer service is the hallmark of TK IT Services. We are proud to serve you and work hard to earn your business.

Remember, no problem is too small to receive our full attention and no problem is too big that it can’t be remedied.

At TK IT Services, the customer always comes first.